My comment bellow as I wrote it on regarding Fraud-Closures:

The people have to catch up to the whole Ponzi Scheme, which is really Insane: Fannie/Freddie, Appraisal FRAUD, HUD Fraud, FDIC Insured Bank Fraud, Contracts fraud, Pretender lender fraud, Lender fraud, Ratings agency fraud, Origination fraud, Fraudulent inducements, Second Bankster fraud, MERS (Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems) fraud, Securities fraud, Goldman SUCKS!, Lehman Bros. and many more selling bad loans to their investors, New pin numbers to hide the origination fraud, REMIC (Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits) fraud, Speculating on that fraud and making 100 Trillion dollars on the same fraud on WALL STREET with such Mortgage Derivatives as CDO’S (collateralized debt obligations ) when Banks knew would fail, MBS (Mortgage Back Securities) fraud, AIG Fraud knowingly insuring bad, trap, and liar loans, Credit Default Swaps Insurances fraud, Title CO. fraud, Intentionally creating a massive housing bubble with fraud while they knew would cause a financial crisis, Intentional stock market collapse, The clear and present robbery and swindle of American people in front of their own eyes, Institutions that set the American people up to fail who sent JOBS overseas, Forgeries of legal Docs, Where Are The Notes?? Where are the Original Notes?? (Destruction of Notes) Fraudulent Affidavits (also to fraudclosure), No Proof of ownership by the pretender Lender, Non Judicial Foreclosures, The Bill HR 3808, Constant Wars: ( ) Massive JOB Losses, New Impoverishment of the people, Blaming the VICTIMS, The breakup of the families, Destroyed credits, Mass UNEMPLOYMENT, People not able to afford to send kid’s to college, Abandoned pets ( due to foreclosures), Bank owned abandon properties , People living in their CARS (thanks to Fraud-Closures). No due process in courts on foreclosures, Flouting of the property rights and constitutional rights of we the people to steal homes Banksters don’t Own, Giant Corporations that pay no taxes, Overseas tax heavens for the super rich, Giant BONUSES for the crooks at Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citibank, Freddie, Fannie and the CEO’S who robed the people, Wealth stole in overseas bank accounts, Lack of affordable Medical Care, Hyper-Inflated Property Taxes, Short Sale fraud (watch video), Loss of pensions, Loss of 401 K’S, Loss of Commercial Property Investments, Hyper-Inflation, Deflation. THE FED, The T.A.L.F (Term Asset-Backed Securities Loans). The BAILOUTS, The lies: you were denied for help by the bank, we want you to sell your home that we DON’T OWN so we can sell it and make thousand of dollars even that we don’t have the Mortgage Note, Banksters strong arming the American people for delinquencies they don’t owe. Force Insurance Violations, Frozen credit for main street, Cash For Keys Fraud (I can explain that one), Deed In Lieu Fraud, Cross Collateralization Fraud, Scrivener’s errors fraud (person who writes out deeds, copyist, professions, a notary), Robo-signing Fraud, (the automatic generation of document which turn out to be ruled illegal.), FRAUDCLOSURES, Devastated Communities, Bankrupting America to pay for all of the Mortgage Fraud and The Ponzi Scheme Heist. The Bail Outs (that stills continues through the back door Fed) and finally, the fact that the American people have not wake up to all of these insanity, Its Shocking to say the least !
Bottom-line the banks wrote more mortgages than they had assets to hold… they foreclose because they have to… there is nowhere to keep all these loans, (2) there was no disclosure to the borrower who had no idea his collateral, promise to pay and credit score was going to be used to bait investors in the Big Ponzi Scheme, and (3) if the borrower had known 1 & 2 and that the appraisals were inflated – there likely would not have been a new mortgage or refinance… and certainly the borrower wouldn’t have wrapped his unsecured credit card debt into his new secured mortgage, if he had understood the consequences… but then there was no fiduciary duty between a lender and a customer – or was there?

Nissim Sasson

About acmodspecialists

We are loan modification specialists dedicated to helping families save their dream. In this current mortgage market, with millions of homeowners trapped in toxic adjustable rate mortgages and confronted with mortgages greater than the current home value, we offer solutions with quantifiable results. We understand the hardships facing many families today and whether your dealing with a decrease in income due to reduced work hours, layoffs, job loss, divorce, medical reasons, or a decline in your small business revenue, you need an experienced advocate.
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